2022-2023 Village Christian Parent Agreement

2022-2023 Village Christian Parent Agreement

We are committed to developing real relationships with our parents/guardians. We truly believe it takes a Village of caring adults, working together to help our students thrive.

Our stated mission is to provide a CAREing, Christ- Centered education producing students who thrive. We believe that a positive relationship with students, parents/guardians, and the school is vital. As a member of the Village Christian School community, we are asking you to affirm that all members of the community have value and that you pledge to treat other members of the community with respect and integrity. This expectation applies to communications with teachers, coaches, administrators, fellow parents, and of course other students. A failure to do so weakens the Village community and will not be tolerated.

Specifically, we ask that Parents and Guardians will:

Model our CARE values of real relationships that include characteristics such as listening to one another, putting ourselves in the other person’s shoes before reacting, gathering all the facts before acting, not gossiping or slandering others, and seeking reconciliation when necessary.

To resolve conflicts, when appropriate, the student should first meet with the person directly involved. If a conflict cannot be resolved by the student, the student should seek help from an adult on campus, either a teacher, an aide or an administrator. This allows the student to build important life skills in problem solving and conflict resolution.

If the conflict is between a student and a faculty/staff member, and the above process has been followed, but not resolved, the parent should request a meeting with the faculty or staff member directly involved. Meetings should focus on respecting the position of the faculty/staff member and the rules of the school, as well as understanding the situation from the position of the student and parent.

If this meeting does not resolve the conflict, the next step is to seek out the individual’s direct supervisor (in case of the employee) or a school administrator (in the case of another student or parent).

If a reasonable resolution is still not reached, students or parents can appeal in writing to the Principal outlining the conflict and the desired resolution as well as the process followed (see above).

Represent our school and its Christian mission well while on campus, at school events off campus, and in public social media accounts and communications as it relates to the school or members of the school community.

Model respect for the role of an educator, coach, and other adults in the Village community to teach our students important life and character lessons about authority, honor, and Biblical teachings on love.

Provide a home environment that is supportive of the student’s development and achievement in our Christian, college preparatory educational program. This includes making sure students are on time and prepared for school and school activities.

Likewise, parents and guardians can expect respect and the following treatment from the school:
- Return communication from a written (preferably emailed) request within two (2) business days.
- Every effort made to listen and respond reasonably to requests or conflicts that are in the best interest of the student and the school’s mission and policies.
- Treatment of the student and parent characterized by respect and integrity and honor for the parent-student relationship.

In pursuing a synergistic relationship, positive communication, and home and school environments that produce students who thrive, it is recognized that repeated and egregious violations of the above expectations are detrimental to the Village community. The school reserves the right to expel a student in such cases at the sole discretion of the Head of School in coordination with the Board of Directors.

Digitally signed acknowledgement/agreement of this policy is required by September 23, 2022.